Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Folks Next Door

Last week, I had my neighbor check my mail over the weekend because I was out of town.  I had ordered a package and knew it would be in, and she graciously kept it in her apartment until I came back to Abilene.  It made me think about the old adage, “If you need a cup of sugar, just go to your neighbor next door.”  I truly was able to go just next door for help, and in Abilene, that happens all the time.  I’ve seen many examples lately of this, mostly in construction going on around town.

If you head east from the post office on 3rd street, you’ll see some construction at Peterson Monuments and Design.  As with many construction projects, there is need for hammers, nails, paints, measure tapes, and more.  In case they don’t have these on hand, the construction crew can just head next door to RHV Do-It Best Hardware for all the tools they need. 

Another construction project happening around town is the construction of the Donut Palace on north Buckeye.  Many construction crews work long hours: at least 8 to 5 and usually even longer than that.  At lunchtime, all they need is to walk next door to Ike’s Place to grab a bite to eat.  If they get thirsty throughout the afternoon, no problem!  They just need to walk next door to either Kwik Shop or Sonic for something refreshing!

As you can see, one can find many things if they go next door.  This happens not only in construction, but in some of our Chamber projects as well.  One example of this is with our Ambassador program.  Our Ambassadors program is getting started with great vigor, and ordering shirts will be part of that.  Luckily, we’ll able to go right next door to order those from Last Chance Graphics.

Construction projects, polo shirts, a cup of sugar….all these things and more you can find if you just go next door.  There’s also another way you can check out something in Abilene that has to do with the folks next door…and that’s the second live performance show of Great Plains Theatre’s 20th Anniversary Season: “The Boys Next Door.”  This show focuses on four handicapped men, their social worker, and their lives.  I have heard nothing but rave reviews on this show, and I’m looking forward to seeing it tomorrow night! You have four more opportunities to see the show: Thursday, Friday, & Saturday at 7:30 PM, or Sunday at 2:00 PM.

Is there anything you head next door for?

You can always contact the Chamber at 785-263-1770, or at

A scene from "The Boys Next Door," playing at Great Plains Theatre 

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