Thursday, August 7, 2014

Trivia Thursday!

Two days ago was Trivia Tuesday!  I just found out this week that Ike’s Place here in town has trivia (I guess I’ve been living under a rock), and being the useless information buff that I am, I was thrilled to go and compete.  It paid off too – our team won third place!  Like during most of my activities, I found myself thinking of the Chamber, and more specifically….Chamber trivia!  Last week I talked about what we do here for members and the community, and today I’ll expand on that, with trivia categories and questions. 

The first category is Government, and we have two questions in this category.  The first question is “Is the Chamber a county or city department?”  The correct answer to that question is no.  While the Chamber is located in the same office building as the CVB (a city department), we are our own organization.  We consider the CVB, county, and city partnership organizations, and are involved with them on many projects.  The second government question is, “Does the Chamber sit on any City committees or County committees?” The answer to this question is yes.  We have a seat on the CVB board of directors and city economic development council.  We also are kept up to date on city and county activities by their employees and commissions.

The second category is Entertainment.  Our first entertainment question is “What entertainment does the Chamber provide?”  The answer to that is that the Chamber promotes community events and activities.  Many of our local attractions here in Abilene are Chamber members and we promote them and their events they put on (i.e. D-Day celebration, the railroad, Seelye Mansion, etc).  These are all entertainment attractions, and the Chamber also promotes community events that provide entertainment.  Great examples of this are the Central Kansas Free Fair and holiday celebrations.  The Chamber also hosts our annual banquet, held at the beginning of the calendar year, which is entertainment as well as a business report.

Our final category is Miscellaneous.  Our first question is “What kinds of businesses are involved with the Chamber?”  The answer – all kinds!  We have catering businesses to health systems, excavating to bridal stores, gift shops to government organizations.  You name it, we’ve got it!  The second Miscellaneous question: “Who can become a Chamber member?”  The answer is businesses, nonprofits, individuals, and municipalities.  Our final Miscellaneous question is, “How can I find out more information?”  The answer to that is how I sign off to every article: as always, you can contact the Chamber at 785.263.1770 or!

PS – I had a blast at Trivia Tuesday…join the fun at Ike’s Place, Tuesdays at 7:00! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Folks Next Door

Last week, I had my neighbor check my mail over the weekend because I was out of town.  I had ordered a package and knew it would be in, and she graciously kept it in her apartment until I came back to Abilene.  It made me think about the old adage, “If you need a cup of sugar, just go to your neighbor next door.”  I truly was able to go just next door for help, and in Abilene, that happens all the time.  I’ve seen many examples lately of this, mostly in construction going on around town.

If you head east from the post office on 3rd street, you’ll see some construction at Peterson Monuments and Design.  As with many construction projects, there is need for hammers, nails, paints, measure tapes, and more.  In case they don’t have these on hand, the construction crew can just head next door to RHV Do-It Best Hardware for all the tools they need. 

Another construction project happening around town is the construction of the Donut Palace on north Buckeye.  Many construction crews work long hours: at least 8 to 5 and usually even longer than that.  At lunchtime, all they need is to walk next door to Ike’s Place to grab a bite to eat.  If they get thirsty throughout the afternoon, no problem!  They just need to walk next door to either Kwik Shop or Sonic for something refreshing!

As you can see, one can find many things if they go next door.  This happens not only in construction, but in some of our Chamber projects as well.  One example of this is with our Ambassador program.  Our Ambassadors program is getting started with great vigor, and ordering shirts will be part of that.  Luckily, we’ll able to go right next door to order those from Last Chance Graphics.

Construction projects, polo shirts, a cup of sugar….all these things and more you can find if you just go next door.  There’s also another way you can check out something in Abilene that has to do with the folks next door…and that’s the second live performance show of Great Plains Theatre’s 20th Anniversary Season: “The Boys Next Door.”  This show focuses on four handicapped men, their social worker, and their lives.  I have heard nothing but rave reviews on this show, and I’m looking forward to seeing it tomorrow night! You have four more opportunities to see the show: Thursday, Friday, & Saturday at 7:30 PM, or Sunday at 2:00 PM.

Is there anything you head next door for?

You can always contact the Chamber at 785-263-1770, or at

A scene from "The Boys Next Door," playing at Great Plains Theatre 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Beat the Heat

I’m going to be honest right now.  It has been hot outside.  Not as hot as it could be, that’s true, but anything over 95 degrees is too hot for me!  For those of us that have lived in Kansas for, well, more than one summer, we’re used to the heat.  Days that peak over 100 degrees is just another day in the life for us.  Not for the first time, I’m thankful that my job is mostly inside, and when I do walk around and visit businesses, I go inside their businesses as well, so my time in the heat is limited.   That’s not the case for everyone though.  The last couple of weeks, we have seen many a farmer out in the fields harvesting.  For most, harvest has concluded, but I still know some that are finishing up. 

Heat exhaustion or sickness can affect those in the workplace.  The good news is that there are ways to prevent the symptoms from creeping in and disrupting anything.  This is especially helpful for those that work outside, but it’s applicable for those that run errands outside, walk around, or are in the outdoors at all!  I snagged these tips from Assurance Edge Online; check out their website for more tips and information!

  1. Wear loose-fitting, light colored clothing. This is easier to move around in and doesn't absorb as much heat. 
  2. Be prepared for warmer conditions. Check the forecast, and know what to expect before you head out into the elements. 
  3. Take multiple breaks inside or in the shade.  Break up your day.  Take a short break every hour or every two hours to recharge and cool off a little bit. 
  4. Avoid overexposure or going out in the peak time of 10:00am-3:00pm.  If it's possible to avoid, don't go outside when the sun is beating down its worst.  Go out in the early morning or late afternoon/evening. 
  5. Drink plenty of water! Water is so important for refueling and hydration.  Take a water bottle with you on your errands, and refill it often. 
  6. Use and reapply sunscreen.  Even the most tan-skinned people can sunburn.  It doesn't take long either - less than an hour, and you'll be red! Apply sunscreen before you leave, and reapply it throughout the day if you remain outside. 
  7. Stay away from caffeine. Caffeine, while it can give you more energy, can greatly dehydrate you. This is the opposite of what you want to happen, so make sure you stay away from caffeine. 

Not only will these seven tips help you beat the heat, but Abilene itself offers many ways to beat the heat, or at least pass the time in the heat.  Multiple stores sell ice cream and other cold sweet treats, there’s the swimming pool to cool off in, and our parks offer great shade and scenery.  If you’re hankering to burn a hole in your wallet, the shopping in Abilene provides a great escape from the heat.

While this summer is fairly cool compared to other places in the country (over 120 in Death Valley!), it still is pretty warm outside.  Use these seven tips to stay cool and “Beat the Heat” over the upcoming Dog Days of Summer, and it’ll be fall (the BEST season!) before you know it

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I believe that we will win.  USMNT.  ‘Murica.  God Bless the USA.  All four of these plus the title of my column are slogans and catchphrases that I’ve heard all over in the past few weeks.  I’ve been talking about Germany, France, and everywhere but the United States in my last few columns, so I figured it’s time for a change!

Two very big things are happening for the United States right now, and they’re bringing the country together.  The first is the World Cup, the soccer event held every four years, in which the USA has advanced to the Round of 16.  As I’m typing this, the USA is playing Belgium, hoping to advance to the quarter finals.  The second event is, of course, Independence Day. 

So how does the World Cup and the 4th of July relate to business?  Productivity at the workplace is decreased as employees stream the games and check their phones for game updates, and the 4th of July is zero productivity at the workplace because (almost) everybody has the day off!  Well, like I always believe, connections to business can always be found, if one just remembers to look hard enough!

The biggest tie to businesses is those businesses that experience a rush on or around the holiday or event.  World Cup games, especially now in the knockout rounds, are entertainment for many people.  People want to sit and gather with their friends in front of a screen, and this often takes place at restaurants.  Clothing stores & sporting equipment stores often experience a rush at this time, provided they load up their inventory with their nation’s apparel and soccer balls! 

For the 4th of July, there are two main businesses that experience rushes, grocery stores and liquor stores.  Folks want to load up on their hot dogs, corn on the cob, potato salad, and s’mores as well as their beer for the holiday, and rush to the grocery store and liquor store to make sure they’ve got all the goodies.  These places often experience a rush of customers before the holiday itself, because who wants to do errands on their day off?

Other businesses that can expect more people are tourist attractions (people with the day off want to make sure they see the sights!), home décor stores (red, white, & blue galore!), and party stores (gotta get those American flag plates!).  How lucky is Abilene that we can get all we need for our soccer game and our 4th of July without once having to drive outside city limits? 

The Chamber will be closed Friday in observance of Independence Day.  Have a great holiday weekend, and go Team USA!  I also have to root for Germany and France…you can take the girl out of Europe but you can’t take the Europe out of the girl! As always, you can contact the Chamber at 785-263-1770 or! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

There's No Place Like Home

I’m back! After three flights, three countries, five hours of layovers, three hours of delayed flights, cancelled flights, lost luggage, and twenty-six and a half hours, I finally made it back to Kansas City late Saturday night.  Many friends and family are calling this a “Once in a Lifetime” experience, but I disagree, because I definitely will be going again!

 I had a twelve day whirlwind adventure to Europe, and I still can’t believe it went by as fast as it did.  As the cliché goes, time flies when you’re having fun, and this proved to be true during my trip.  As I was packing my suitcase and two extra bags full to the brim (my suitcase weighed EXACTLY 50 pounds!) with presents and fun memories, I was struck with a sense of sadness to be leaving, but at the same time, a sense of excitement to be going home.

I visited many places in two countries during my trip, Germany and France.  I stayed with my family in Odenheim, Germany, visited surrounding cities, and took a short trip to Paris, France.  Through the whole trip, I was consistently reminded of home.  While I did miss some material things like my daily Diet Dr. Pepper and peanut butter, I was more struck with similarities while visiting the different areas. 

In Odenheim, there is a beautiful church just up the hill from where I stayed. While looking out over the beautiful town of Odenheim from the vantage point right outside the church, I thought of Abilene’s own Grace United Church of Christ, where my grandparents were married almost 56 years ago.  Right next to the church in Odenheim is the oldest building in the town, a house.  I was strongly reminded of Abilene’s historic homes, lining the streets and the over 30 year tradition of the Home for the Holidays Tour.  We traveled to Mannheim, Germany, to join over 5,000 fans to watch the Germany-Portugal game in the 2014 World Cup!  Germany won 4-0, and while I was celebrating, I was struck of the memories of the Chamber-wide March Madness competition we did this past year.

Germany wasn’t the only place I was reminded of home.  Strolling along the Paris streets, I was reminded of Abilene as well.  While last week’s column told you about some of our big similarities with major tourist attractions, these are smaller similarities.  Bakeries are prevalent on the streets of Paris, and while enjoying the French bread and macaron cookies (my favorite), I was reminded of the chocolate chip scones I love at Amanda’s Bakery & Bistro.  Moulin Rouge is the main cabaret theatre in Paris, marked by its signature red windmill.  You can bet your bottom dollar (Annie reference anyone?), that I was reminded of Great Plains Theatre, who are right in the midst of their 20th Anniversary season.  After visiting Notre Dame Cathedral, we took some back streets to find my family’s favorite couscous restaurant, and on the way to that restaurant, we found a diamond-in-the-rough bookstore called Shakespeare and Company Bookstore.  For a book lover like me, this was such a cute little find that I was thrilled about.  While perusing the stacks, I remembered another great bookstore that I love, Rivendell Bookstore, right here in Abilene.

This trip was truly an amazing experience for me.  Not only did I get to see places I’d been dreaming of since I was young, I was able to grow closer to my family and experience local cultures.  However, while experiencing those different cultures, I was continually reminded of our local culture here in Abilene.  As Dorothy says, there really is no place like home, and I’m glad Abilene is mine.

As always, you can contact the Chamber at 785-263-1770 or! 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Chamber Membership: Cheaper Than Pizza, Gas, & Candy

Chamber membership is an investment. Like any investment, yes, it does cost money. The question we get regarding this is..."How much money?" or "Can I afford it?" Well, let's explore that concept together, using the base rate of membership, $200.00, paid annually.

Like I mentioned, it costs $200.00 for a business to have an annual membership to the Chamber. For that you receive many benefits. For information on a few benefits, check out this past Monday's post, "Why Chamber?"  This number can seem daunting, but remember, that covers your entire year of membership...let's break it down to something smaller. 

$200.00 breaks down to $16.00 per month. To put that into perspective, that costs less than a large pizza with a large breadsticks per month.

$200.00 breaks down to $3.00 per week. To put that into perspective, that costs less than a gallon of gas per week.

$200.00 breaks down to $0.55 per day.  To put that into perspective, that costs less than a candy bar per day.

Is the Chamber membership tangible like pizza, gas, and candy? No. It doesn't have a taste and it won't help your car move from point A to point B. However, over the course of a year, you can see 52 newsletters, which get sent out to Chamber members, and 52 newspaper columns.  Maybe you'll see your name in that newsletter in an ad or a story - that's for Chamber members too. You can attend one of the events, usually hosted by another business, that the Chamber helps coordinate every year. You can join one of our committees, provide input on Chamber decisions, give us ideas that can be used for future membership enhancement, and more.

I believe this is extremely affordable.  Over 130 businesspeople in the Abilene area agree with me....I hope you will too. Call me at 785.263.1770 or email me at anytime, and I'll chat with you more.

Flat Ike returns in next week's blog posts - make sure you come back and read about some of his adventures!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Being a Tourist

Across the pond, I am continuing my travels through Europe.  This week I rode a train over 180 mph from Germany to Paris, and there I was in the City of Lights.  What you may find surprising about Paris is that it has similarities to our little hometown of Abilene, KS.  I know what you’re thinking: “Paris, France, similar to Abilene?  She’s crazy!  She’s let the travel bug get to her!”  Well, while I may have the travel bug, I’m certainly not crazy.  Keep reading and you’ll see why.

Abilene and Paris are certainly different.  For one, their locations are nowhere close to each other, and they’re 4,638 miles apart.  Abilene’s population is 6,844 people, and Paris’s is 2,243,833.  We’re in different countries, speak a different language, and use different currency.  Yet despite all these differences, we share an industry.  One of Paris’s major industries is tourism...and so is Abilene’s. 

Our attractions are different than Paris’s, that’s true.  Paris’s Top 5 attractions are the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, and Sacre-Coeur.  I can NOW say I've been to four of these!  Abilene’s Top 5 attractions in 2013 were the Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, & Boyhood Home, Great Plains Theatre, the Greyhound Hall of Fame, Seelye Mansion, and the Heritage Center.  I've been to all five…have you?

Tourism is very important to Abilene, and especially to commerce in Abilene.  Combined, our top five attractions welcome over 235,127 visitors every year.  Other attractions like the Abilene Smoky Valley Railroad and Old Abilene Town add another 20,000 visitors.  This is over 250,000 people coming to Abilene to see what we have to offer!

Tourism is an industry IN commerce that also has a domino effect into other industries in commerce.  Many visitors spend the night in Abilene, bringing dollars into the lodging industry.  They eat food in our local restaurants, bringing dollars into the food & hospitality industry.  Shopping in our local stores brings money into our retail and sales industries.  There are even many Abilene residents that started as tourists!  As they moved into town to make their lives here, they brought dollars into the real estate industry, service industry, banking, hair salons, hardware stores, grocery stores, car dealerships, the library, the city, and the list goes on and on. 

Now is the time for tourism around the world.  I can say from experience that’s true in Paris, and I know from experience that it’s true for Abilene.  While tourism often attracts out of town visitors, local tourism also exists.  My friends and I are planning an Abilene trip this summer.  I encourage you to do the same.  Take a day with your family or just you, and visit some of the places in the town we call home. 

I will continue to be out of the office the rest of this week.  You can still call the office at 785-263-1770, and staff at the CVB can help you.  I will return Monday June 23.   

As the locals say in Paris, Au Revoir!